Sunday, 9 October 2011

Call for Papers

December 2011 English Teaching

English Teaching: practice and critique, Volume 11, Number 1 (May 2012):

Focus: Research methodologies as framing the study of English/literacy teaching and learning

Abstracts should be sent to the editors before December 1, 2011 and full articles by March 1, 2012 at the very latest to ensure an effective review process. 

March   2012: 1-4 Mar

ESREA Life History and Biography Conference Expanding connections: Learning, the body and the environment; Perspectives from life history and auto/biographical narrative research

Venue: University of Southern Denmark, Institute of Philosophy, Education and the Study of Religions

Organisers: European Society for Research on the Education of Adults Address: Marianne Horsdal, University of Southern Denmark URL:  Enquiries:

Notes: ESREA will be offering 3 bursaries (300 Euro each) for doctoral students. All abstracts for paper or other suggested presentations must be submitted by Monday 7th November2011; Final versions of papers (no more than 5000 words including references) must be submitted by Monday 6th February 2012

Themes: Adult learning; Embodied learning

April   2012: 2-4 Apr

Discourse-Power-Resistance 12 Conference

Venue: Plymouth College of Art, Tavistock Place, Plymouth PL4 8AT 

Conference URL:; Organisers: Jerome Satterthwaite; Enquiries:

Notes: Further details of speakers, abstract and events will be added to website in the near future

Themes: Social sciences, arts, humanities, education and the creative arts are under attack; Poetics: Practice as Learning, Learning in Practice; Research, learning, teaching: impact; Sustainable impact

April   2012: 24-25 Apr

Discourses of Inclusion in Neo-Liberal Higher Education Venue: Milton Keynes

Organisers: Centre for Inclusion and Curriculum, Open University Address: Walton Hall, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA URL:

Themes: Widening Participation and Access, Lifelong Learning, Equity, Equality and Diversity

SCUTREA CONFERENCE 2012 (Leicester, 3rd – 5th July 2012)

Call for Papers: Theme: Adult Education and Well-Being

 It’s usually assumed that learning throughout adult life is ‘good for you’. Whether undertaken in leisure time for intellectual stimulus or for social reasons, or within or beyond a job for skills acquisition and career development, the learner is clear that there will be personal benefits. But what is the evidence for all of this? Much work has been undertaken in recent years on the theme of ‘well-being’. But how is that research to be critiqued? How is well-being to be measured? How does well-being relate to ‘happiness’, to ‘personal’ or ‘spiritual’ development, or to ‘social capital’? To what extent is ‘well-being’ to do with the cultivation of an ‘inner life’, with a sense of social well-being, or with the fact of gaining confidence and skills to get a (better) job? What happens to patterns of learning when communities decline and decay? How is learning part of re-generation? How are all of these addressed at a time when distance and on-line learning is on the increase? What other concepts come into play? What understandings of ‘self’ are at work? Can on-line learning facilitate personal and social development as much as face-to-face study? How, if at all, are aspects of personal development assessed in adult education today? In an age of attention to skills and competencies, to what extent do professional studies programmes attend to personal development issues? What has the requirement for formal academic validation of programmes across professions affected the personal developmental aspects of learning? How do recent economic and political factors and decisions impinge upon all these areas?

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