Wednesday, 28 July 2010


I'm looking forward to 4 weeks of writing and making a concerted effort to ensure that I let nothing creep into my time. Hubby will be in London - decorting the house. So I shall have some time alone.

I have afew glimpses of ideas about how to locate my paper into an Australian context. yet frm reading the papers what i really need is to ensure I fully explain the one in which I am writing.

Robson 2006: 54

Conceptions of teaching varied according to context.

this is a central idea for my paper. My suggestion is that it is the multiple contexts within which the teaching of ALLN take place that makes the potential for the development of a single and cohesive professional identity fraught with difficulty - though perhaps this is complex rather than impossible.

The role changes, the templates for good practice vary - this may be linked to Coffield's text about ubiquitous perfect practice.

An understanding of literacy is driven as much by client as it is by subject.

The lack of what might be considered as a 'subject specilaism' that carries with it  a vocational identity.

'The importance of [...] the teachers existing identities and communities of practice can not be overstated.' Robson 2006: 55

ah - BigBrother is one.

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