National Research
Centre, Improving Adult Literacy Instruction: Options for Research and
Committee on Learning Sciences: Foundations and
Applications to Adolescent and Adult Literacy
(Eds) Alan Lesgold, and Welch-Ross, Melissa
The National Academies Press, Washington , D.C. ;
ISBN 978-0-309-21959-4; 504 pages
Paperback $65
Reviewed by Carol Dennis
Improving Adult Literacy offers what every teacher with an interest in
improving the life chances of those who have benefited least from state
education longs for: a definitive evidence-based guide on effective literacy
teaching. It is an ambitious text that
to some extent achieves what it sets out to do, to a) synthesise research on
literacy and learning and b) draw implications for the instructional practices
used to teach reading in adult literacy programme and c) recommend a more
systematic approach to research policy and practice.
text covers over 400 densely packed pages (including 250 pages of citations and
references) and after offering an initial brief chapter that contextualises the
report, the authors trawl through and bring together an impressive range of
studies that provide a credible empirical foundation to the pedagogues
associated with teaching adult literacy, curricular design, barriers to
learning, uses of technology, disability and language development in
multi-lingual speakers.
book is written by US practitioners with an American audience in mind and this
is reflected in (amongst other things) the language the writers use. The linguistic style is refreshingly upbeat -
what is recognisable to a British readership as a section on ‘barriers to
learning’ is phrased ‘motivation, engagement and persistence'. The chapter focuses then not on reasons why
adults may not attend classes in a fashion that suits the retention rates of
organisation, but rather on the social and psychological determinates of
persistence in learning. I like the
concept of persistence. It spills over and beyond retention and takes the
learner’s start and end point; a persistent learner may start three or four
different courses before completing any one of them - their learning will
continue throughout this time. This is quite unlike retention that measures an
institutions’ course start and end dates and the learners who are present and
correct for both. Persistence is a more
learner-centred and meaningful.
and experienced practitioners should read and re-read this book. For some,
there will be the shock of recognition.
We may appreciate the text’s reminder that although reading and writing
have at times been thought of as and therefore taught (most certainly tested)
as separate language skills, they depend on similar knowledge and cognitive
processes (p53). Insights gained in one area can lead to insights into the
other. What is particularly useful is
that the text provides a series of references to explore and elaborate upon.
There are prosaic reminders, ‘literacy, or cognition, cannot be understood
fully apart from the contexts in which they develop (p25) is followed by
detailed references to Street (1984), Heath (1983), Lave and Wenger (1981) and
Scribner and Cole (1981). Anyone who follows a few of these referenced sources
will find their views on literacy and how to teach it changed, challenged or
teacher (or teacher trainer) tentatively approaching this terrain for the first
time is invited to read, try it out and then re-read. The text may well settle
a few long standing arguments. The writers reassure us that specific reading
and writing difficulties do not necessarily require qualitatively different
teaching (p103) or decontextualised interventions that target general cognitive
/ sensory processing - balancing beams, coloured lenses, brain retraining
(p57). Instead the writers advise approaches to teaching that adapt existing
approaches to ensure that they are more explicit and systematic, that they are
supportive of transfer and enable extensive practice. This is reassuring. A range of learner needs that at first glance
may appear mysterious and daunting, is firmly established as manageable.
is a good, densely packed read that deserves to be on all our shelves. It draws
in a condensed form on a similar body of knowledge to that covered by the NRDC
who get a good mention (p90). And, best
of all, it is available as a free download:
(above biblio notes for link)
do have some reservations about this book. It very clearly emerges from a
policy context that is quite unlike that of the UK . Understanding policy and
pedagogy in the United
States is made complex by the existence of
multiple legislative levels - federal, state and district. Uniformity and
the monolithic 'one-size-fits-all'
approach to improving practice so familiar to teachers in England, is more
difficult in the states as federal policies are diluted, diffused and disrupted
by state and district level legislators, only to be further adapted to suit the
actualities of teaching and learning by institutions. The text then pulls and pushes in opposite
directions. For readers in the UK ,
it is a reminder that There Is An Alternative. The highly prescriptive centralisation
of ‘outstanding, good, requires improvement’ teaching that we by now accept as
normal, are not how practitioners in the USA teach.
text provides sound theory and empirical evidence which helps establish this
fluidity in approach to what good teaching requires if it is to become
outstanding teaching. That is, an appreciation that effective pedagogy is
thoroughly and completely contextualised. 'Literacy, and cognition, can not be
understood fully apart from the contexts in which it develops', (p25). Pedagogy is motivating when instructional practices
are embedded in meaningful activities, (p34). Adult learners are heterogeneous.
Pedagogues need to be varied according to learning goals, skills, interests,
cultural and linguistic backgrounds, (p238).
implications of this contingency is not taken seriously enough by the writers
(in my view). They seem to yearn for the centralisation and uniformity of England 's
policy making. It will be interesting to
see whether their polity allows this.
Carol Dennis