Saturday, 27 November 2010

The problem with the White Paper is that it claims evidence informed its conclusions, but a close reading of the paper suggests the evidence is merely being used to post-justify ready-made political decisions. Free Schools & the pupil premium were already decided, so the recommendations for these are detailed and well-explained, even though the evidence-base is sketchy.  There is no doubt these policies will be thoroughly implemented.  The fact that the paper is called  the “Importance of Teaching” would suggest that more would be written about teacher development; it is a shame that this has been missed.  Unless further flesh is put on the bones of teacher development this White Paper will do little more than push through school accountability and funding changes based on Gove's selective hearing.

This is hardly surprising since the policy process can not be understood as a rational response to the challenges of government. Rather what evidence does is provide a lever or source of justification for policy. This government is so terrifying not because of the flagrant misuse of evidence but because the ideological positions they assume is at odds with everything I believe in. 

Sunday, 21 November 2010

What next

All I can do is think of 101 things to do to survive in the absence of a clearly focussed and desirable future: 

  1. Write - if I am unemployed I will have time to write
  2. I will have not money for excess and unnecessary food - I shall eat less
  3. I will rent out two rooms and that will pay my mortgage
  4. I can get part time work - hours here and there
  5. I may well get a job in a college: HE in FE (a manager)
  6. This government will not last for more than 5 years and when Labour is back in - I will still be an academic
  7. I might leave the country - with my husband - Ghana or how knows somewhere else
  8. I can let Papa work - while I stay home & write
  9. I am saving my money so have a little bit of a cushion - I need to save more
  10. save save save save
  11. I can learn about phonics and teach phonics in a University
  12. I can join an on-line community - change the place and space of the University - Join in and retina my sense of identity
  13. I am an academic but like slime mould - that might mean taking whatever shape allows me to survive
  14. Do I have marketable skills? ( next list starts from 15)

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

no comment - just need to notice the moment

Students and slogans: Student or drug dealer placard outside Parliament

The coalition has achieved what it took even Thatcher years to achieve: protest riots on the streets

no comment - just like the image

Monday, 1 November 2010